Even among Liberal voters, almost half of respondents said Trudeau should turn the party leadership over to a fresh face
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A new poll from the Angus Reid Institute has found that more than half of Canadians think Justin Trudeau should step down as the leader of the Liberal Party before the next federal election. Even among Liberal voters, almost half of respondents said he should turn the party leadership over to a fresh face, although there was no clear consensus on whom that should be.
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Similarly, there is no clear winner when it comes to which party leader Canadians think would make the best prime minister, with more than a quarter choosing none of the above.
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The poll, conducted online this month among 1,878 Canadian adults, found that 57 per cent thought Trudeau should step down before the next election, scheduled for 2025. Just 28 per cent thought he should stay on, while 15 per cent were unsure.
Not surprisingly, those numbers jumped for Conservative voters, 82 per cent of whom wanted Trudeau to step down, as compared to just 12 per cent who thought he should stay on, and five per cent undecided.
But even among Liberal voters, 41 per cent thought the prime minister should should step down, while 44 per cent believed he should stay on, and 16 per cent were undecided. Meanwhile, Trudeau’s overall approval rating has sunk to 31 per cent, a level not seen since August of 2019.
Trudeau’s approval numbers were 55 per cent during the early days of the pandemic in 2020, but have been gradually falling since then. He has said he has no intention of stepping down, and plans to lead the party into the next election.
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The poll also asked respondents whom they thought would be the best person to replace Trudeau as party leader if he were to step down. The choices were cabinet ministers Chrystia Freeland (Finance), Mélanie Joly (Foreign Affairs), François-Phillipe Champagne (Innovation, Science and Industry) and Anita Anand (Treasury Board), as well as former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney.
While recognition of Freeland was highest among the five, at 72 per cent, there was no clear frontrunner when it came to a potential new leader. The Finance Minister was chosen as the best replacement by 19 per cent of respondents, while the others got between eight and 11 per cent of the vote each, with some 43 per cent of respondents undecided.
Finally, when it came to the question of which current party leader would make the best Prime Minister, 30 per cent chose Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, while half as many named Trudeau (16 per cent) or New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh (15 per cent).
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More than a quarter (27 per cent) responded that none of these men were suited for the job of Prime Minister, while the rest were undecided.
Asked which party they would vote for in the next election, 39 per cent chose the Conservatives, with the Liberals in second place (28 per cent) and the NDP third (21 per cent).
Conservative support was strongest in Alberta (58 per cent) and Saskatchewan, and lowest in Quebec (23 per cent), in part due to a strong showing for the Bloc Quebecois, which took 28 per cent of the vote in that province.
The poll is considered to be accurate within two percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
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Originally posted 2023-10-18 16:30:42.
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